Kashmiri Pandit: A Rare Pocket Of Tolerance
of repeated rejection of co-existence and pluralism by Muslim society for
the last six hundred years, Kashmiri Pandit has not given up his faith
in these values.
He has
not reciprocated fanaticism with fanaticism and violence with violence.
In a world
threatened with ethnic and religious strifes where various parties have
invariably resorted to violence and force, to further their claims, Kashmiri
Pandit isthe only example who has totally rejected the violence as a means
to fulfill socio-political aspirations.
therefore has a stake in protecting this culturally rich, educated and
peace loving community, from becoming extinct, if it has to move towards
a Modern World Order of Peace and Universal brotherhood.
violence cannot be justified on the ground of its political and ideological
motivations or value basis. Terrorist violence in the valley is not a Freedom
Struggle at all. Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir is a clear
testimony of this fact. There is no freedom which impinges upon freedom.
There can be no equality which leads to inequality.